How to Earn HR Recertification Credits While Quarantined

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has upended work and created a multitude of stressors in our daily lives. Managing the needs of your workforce while adapting to remote work isn’t easy. Since you’re under enough stress, we want to make the recertification process as convenient as possible. We’ve extended deadlines and modified requirements to support your recertification journey.

How can you receive HR recertification credits when the conferences you plan to attend are canceled or postponed? First, take a deep breath, and don’t panic — it’s possible to fulfill your recertification credits remotely. Many people believe they have to attend live conferences to get their credits, but there are so many other ways to earn credits.

Here’s how you can earn HR recertification credits and enhance your HR knowledge from the safety of your own home.

Earn Remote HRCI Recertification Credits Through Professional Achievement

Up to 40 of your recertification credits are from the time dedicated to new projects or training on the job. Any new work project that has not been submitted for credit in the past can be used for recertification credit, even COVID-19 projects if they meet the criteria. You might be developing new policies or transitioning your workforce to remote work, for example. These experiences enhance your understanding of HR and count toward recertification.

Contributing to the larger HR conversation counts. The research you do for policy and publishing information in response to COVID-19 is a great opportunity for learning right now. Your peers probably have the same questions you do. Spend some time researching a topic and publishing valuable content that supports the HR community — and get credit for your contributions.

As part of the up to 40 hours allotted to professional achievement, you can also submit time volunteering as an HR leader or contributing to an HR professional association (up to 12 credit hours over 3 years).

Attend Pre-Approved Virtual Conferences or Webinars

While in-person conferences aren’t possible right now, many events have moved online. Online events still count towards your recertification credits. They often have the added benefit of being less expensive and more accessible. Webinars are another great source of learning, and they’ve proliferated during COVID-19.

Many online events have been reviewed and pre-approved by the HRCI team. You can find a list of pre-approved programs on the HRCI website. Check out your recertification portal to see the officially approved list. When submitting these credits, include the presenter-provided synopsis.

Enhance Your Learning Through Reflection

Pre-approved conferences aren’t your only opportunity to earn credits. For a webinar or conference to count towards recertification credit, you simply have to demonstrate that your project enhanced your understanding of the HR profession.

For events that aren’t explicitly approved or for self-reported hours picked up through professional achievement, jot down some learning outcomes. As you carry out the project, attend the virtual conference or watch the webinar, take notes as those outcomes are met. When you submit your credits, include a brief reflection on how the project or event enriched your understanding of the HR profession. Not only will this satisfy the recertification requirements, it will also increase the benefits you gain from your learning opportunities.wil

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